sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

Ancient Civilization

The Incan Civilization.

Cultura inca | Qué es, resumen, características, religión ...
The Inca civilization flourished in ancient Peru between c. 1400 and 1533 CE, and their empire eventually extended across western South America from Quito in the north to Santiago in the south, making it the largest empire ever seen in the Americas and the largest in the world at that time. As with other ancient Americas cultures, the historical origins of the Incas are difficult to disentangle from the founding myths they themselves created. Concrete archaeological evidence has revealed that the first settlements in the Cuzco Valley actually date to 4500 BCE when hunter-gather communities occupied the area. The rise of the Inca Empire was spectacularly quick. First, all speakers of the Inca language Quechua were given privileged status, and this noble class then dominated all the important roles within the empire. Inca rule was, much like their architecture, based on compartmentalised and interlocking units. At the top was the ruler and ten kindred groups of nobles called panaqa. Next in line came ten more kindred groups, more distantly related to the king and then, a third group of nobles not of Inca blood but made Incas as a privilege. At the bottom of the state apparatus were locally recruited administrators who oversaw settlements and the smallest Andean population unit the ayllu, which was a collection of households. The Inca capital of Cuzco was the religious and administrative centre of the empire and had a population of up to 150,000 at its peak. The Incas imposed their religion on local populations by building their own temples and sacred sites, and they also commandeered sacred relics from conquered peoples and held them in Cuzco. Stored in the Coricancha, they were perhaps considered hostages which ensured compliance to the Inca view of the world. 

Cultura Inca: Qué es y Dónde se Encuentra -【 Con Imágenes 】

Festival Guelaguetza in Oaxaca

Festival Guelaguetza in Oaxaca

Qué es la Guelaguetza y cuándo se celebra en México? - mexicoFor more than 40 years, traditionally the "Fiestas de los Lunes del Cerro" are held in the city of Oaxaca, on the two Mondays following July 16 and the parthy is carried out in the capital of the state of Oaxaca.
The Guelaguetza Festival is a celebration in which representatives from the many communities of Oaxaca come together and celebrate the diversity of their traditions and cultures. The state of Oaxaca is home to 16 different ethnolinguistic groups and is incredibly diverse. For the Guelaguetza, members of these groups gather wearing their traditional clothing and perform folk dances that are particular to their region. At the end of the dancing, they throw items to the crowd, products that come from the region they represent.
10 Razones Para No Perderte La Guelaguetza 2019 En OaxacaThe word Guelaguetza means "offering" in the Zapotec language, and its meaning goes far beyond the festival. In traditional Oaxacan villages when there is an occasion for a celebration, such as a baptism, wedding, or the feast day of the village patron saint, the people attending the party will bring items necessary for the celebration: food, alcoholic beverages, etc. Each person's offering or "guelaguetza" allows the party to take place and becomes part of a reciprocal exchange and is one of the ways social ties are reinforced and maintained through time.
in the festivity you can find stalls that sell Oaxacan tamales, grasshoppers, yolk bread, the famous tlayudas and a mezcal fair where you can sample different varieties of this alcoholic drink.  

South Korea

Corea del Sur, ¿el primer país en peligro de extinción ...

South Korea

South Korea is fashionable as a tourist country, South Korea Also known as the republic of Korea and It is a country in East Asia, something nice is The Mugunghwa, this is Korea’s national flower and it has strong symbolism.

When visiting South Korea you should try the three typical meals in South Korea are Kimchi, bibimbap and the gomguk.
Some of the tourist places in South Korea are Seoul, Incheon and Chuncheon.
The Koreans lean to greet and the inclination is more pronounced if the person is older.

You shouldn't hug a Korean because their culture is different, Koreans are not very expressive and do not like physical contact, It is also necessary to recommend that Kissing and hugging in public is not very well seen in Korea.

50 curiosidades de Corea del Sur que te impresionarán [Con Imágenes]