sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

South Korea

Corea del Sur, ¿el primer país en peligro de extinción ...

South Korea

South Korea is fashionable as a tourist country, South Korea Also known as the republic of Korea and It is a country in East Asia, something nice is The Mugunghwa, this is Korea’s national flower and it has strong symbolism.

When visiting South Korea you should try the three typical meals in South Korea are Kimchi, bibimbap and the gomguk.
Some of the tourist places in South Korea are Seoul, Incheon and Chuncheon.
The Koreans lean to greet and the inclination is more pronounced if the person is older.

You shouldn't hug a Korean because their culture is different, Koreans are not very expressive and do not like physical contact, It is also necessary to recommend that Kissing and hugging in public is not very well seen in Korea.

50 curiosidades de Corea del Sur que te impresionarán [Con Imágenes]

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